Ruger LCR/LCRx HOGUE® Extreme G10 G-Mascus Grips
AT THIS TIME ALL ITEMS ARE BELOW OUR MINIMUM FOR SMOOTH ORDER SALES. Adding a smooth grip to your cart will show as $200-$300. Please see our policies for any additional information. Thank you.
Current Stock Inventory is Black/Grey & Pink Lava
Ruger uses a Tang style grip frame. This style is completely enclosed by the grip, as such the tang can vary in size and all solid grips may require some fitting to seat properly. This is a characteristic of the Tang style frame and is not a grip flaw, it is also why these firearms are shipped with rubber grips from the factory. Please keep this in mind when purchasing solid grips (ie: G10, Wood, etc.)
2 versions-enclosed hammer (LCR)-exposed hammer (LCR-X)
Current version is Revision F
All calibers will fit. The defining feature will be either an enclosed hammer or an exposed hammer
AT THIS TIME ALL ITEMS ARE BELOW OUR MINIMUM FOR SMOOTH ORDER SALES. Adding a smooth grip to your cart will show as $200-$300. Please see our policies for any additional information. Thank you.
Current Stock Inventory is Black/Grey & Pink Lava
Ruger uses a Tang style grip frame. This style is completely enclosed by the grip, as such the tang can vary in size and all solid grips may require some fitting to seat properly. This is a characteristic of the Tang style frame and is not a grip flaw, it is also why these firearms are shipped with rubber grips from the factory. Please keep this in mind when purchasing solid grips (ie: G10, Wood, etc.)
2 versions-enclosed hammer (LCR)-exposed hammer (LCR-X)
Current version is Revision F
All calibers will fit. The defining feature will be either an enclosed hammer or an exposed hammer
AT THIS TIME ALL ITEMS ARE BELOW OUR MINIMUM FOR SMOOTH ORDER SALES. Adding a smooth grip to your cart will show as $200-$300. Please see our policies for any additional information. Thank you.
Current Stock Inventory is Black/Grey & Pink Lava
Ruger uses a Tang style grip frame. This style is completely enclosed by the grip, as such the tang can vary in size and all solid grips may require some fitting to seat properly. This is a characteristic of the Tang style frame and is not a grip flaw, it is also why these firearms are shipped with rubber grips from the factory. Please keep this in mind when purchasing solid grips (ie: G10, Wood, etc.)
2 versions-enclosed hammer (LCR)-exposed hammer (LCR-X)
Current version is Revision F
All calibers will fit. The defining feature will be either an enclosed hammer or an exposed hammer